Containers and Virtualization

Welcome to the mysterious world of containers and virtualization, where technology shapes the future of computing! It’s more exciting than it sounds! Let’s talk about what’s [...]


Unlocking the Power of Knowledge Graphs

Imagine turning a massive web of information into an inferencing engine that can predict and infer new data. That’s what knowledge engineering does! Knowledge graphs are like intricate maps [...]


The Allure of Virtual Reality in Gaming

Explore how virtual reality (VR) is transforming the gaming world, offering players an immersive experience like never before. Virtual reality and gaming are a perfect pair, taking the digital [...]


The Influence of AI and Big Data on Business Success

Dive into the world of digital transformations and discover how AI and big data are reshaping business success. The AI Think Tank Podcast returns, highlighting global AI trends. Harvard Business [...]


Metaverse: A Glimpse into the Future

The Metaverse is here, and it’s creating a buzz like never before! Ready to learn more? Metaverse promised a new gaming experience, and it’s delivering. Virtual worlds are no longer [...]


Can Machine Learning Predict Student Outcomes?

Ever wondered if machine learning can foresee how students will perform academically? Let’s dive into how this tech wizardry works! Machine learning helps schools spot students who might [...]


AI Revolution in Manufacturing

The world of manufacturing is changing rapidly. The introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming how factories operate. Traditional methods are making way for smarter, automated [...]


The World of Programming Languages Awaits You

Curious about coding? Discover the world of programming languages with this article. There’s always something new and exciting in the realm of computer languages! Ever tried your hand at [...]


Steve Jobs’ Vision for Tomorrow: From Personal Computers to AI Frontiers

In 1983, a young and nervous Steve Jobs stood before a group of designers in Aspen, Colorado. He made bold predictions about the future of personal computers. At the time, his ideas seemed [...]


Podcasts That Dive Deep Into AI’s Impact

Catch up on the latest episodes of the AI Think Tank Podcast. From sustainable data storage to AI in education, these episodes are packed with insights. Discover the revolution in data storage [...]


Engage With Professionals on Data Science Central

Looking to reach targeted IT pros? Here’s how you can benefit from advertising on Data Science Central. Data Science Central attracts a highly focused audience, perfect for your marketing [...]


Exciting Innovations Unveiled at ICML 2024

In a world driven by data, machine learning is at the forefront of groundbreaking changes. The International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2024 has brought together pioneering researchers [...]


The AI-Powered Future of Coding Is Near

Tech companies, including OpenAI, are developing a new generation of AI assistants that can write, debug, organise, and critique code. A free program called SWE-agent helped debug a misnamed file [...]


Toyota’s Daring Display of AI-Driven Drifting

Losing traction at high speed can spell disaster for drivers. However, scientists from the Toyota Research Institute and Stanford University have pushed the limits of what autonomous vehicles can [...]


AI’s Impact on Jobs in the Video Game Industry

When Noah received the email from his boss, a wave of anxiety hit him. It was spring 2023, and the message was about how artificial intelligence was “top of mind” at his company. [...]


Hands-on Data Science in the World of ESG

Ever wondered how data science shapes corporate sustainability? Dr. Nipa Basu leads the charge at GHD Digital, blending data science with environmental expertise. GHD Digital’s data science [...]


TPR Marketing Strategy Questionnaire Process

As part of our ongoing series with BSB, here are the steps we take with each client when starting a new campaign. These questions will prompt you to generate key ideas at the start of any [...]


Retail Paid Ads Guide 2022

After 10+ years of helping retailers grow through the ups and downs in the Australian marketplace here are the things I have used to increase sales and leads resulting in the growth of those [...]


What is your competitive advantage?

It’s such a simple question. What is your competitive advantage?  Whenever we are getting to know a new client, we have a process of discovery that we complete to scratch beneath the [...]


A Marketing Roadmap for 2020 – Phase 1: Logo & Branding

These are conversations that we have been having day in and day out for over a decade now and you know what? Other than technological advancement, the fundamentals remain the same. Whether you [...]


Time to Move: There won’t be time on Monday.

Since it was announced on the 19th May, we have been assisting clients applying for the $10,000 Adaption Grant. As of Friday the 22nd, it is now over 70% subscribed. If you’ve been thinking [...]


Where to start with digital advertising in 2020?

It’s a question we are very used to hearing and one that we have been answering for well over a decade. Here in 2020 the requirements for a good digital advertising campaign are similar, [...]


COVID-19 Update from TPR Media

We are back in the office and working remotely, adhering to our COVID risk management plans. If you’d like to catch up for a call, online or a meeting face to face while keeping our [...]


Why You Need a Social Media Presence

It’s no secret that social media is a huge part of society. In fact, Hootsuite’s 2020 digital report recorded a total of 3.4 billion social media users worldwide. It also stated that there are [...]


The Advantages of Re-Marketing

Profit is found in low hanging fruit Any business owner experiencing growth will know who and where their low hanging fruit customers are but did you all know that Google Remarketing is the [...]


Build Trust with Marketing

The concept of trust has been around since the dawn of time, but in today’s society, trust is quickly becoming a critical component of business. This is due to the ever-increasing competition and [...]


Gmail Now Finishes Your Sentences

There are days which I am inundated with emails. I trawl my inbox for the information, questions and essay-like briefings to dissect. Responding to all these emails takes time and endless [...]


How To Write A Meta Description

The meta description of a web-page is a simple, yet overlooked part of search engine optimisation. The meta description is a short excerpt pulled from the text of a particular web-page and [...]


How To Get Started With Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads can be daunting. If you manage a Facebook page, sharing content to be notified with likes and shares from happy followers is surely satisfying. But how do I graduate for this and [...]


Why Are Online Reviews So Important?

Remember the days when you had to trust that spending your money resulted in what you were looking for. Going to the store and making a big purchase was daunting. How do I truly know this [...]


Why Is Content Now So Disposable?

Remember when posting anything on the internet meant something? The thought, effort and timing was deliberated and fussed over. Edit after edit made, with a looming sense of uncertainty. ‘Will [...]


How To Craft A Stellar Crowdfunding Video

People have great ideas all the time. Turning that idea into a reality takes time, effort and to be honest, good ol’ fashion luck. Kickstarter and other crowdfunding platforms are now here to [...]


Why Are Scam Emails Written So Poorly?

Have you ever received an email from a so-called Nigerian prince? They are harrowingly attempting to smuggle wealth out their nation, and need a foreigner’s help. Others will say you are the [...]


The History Of The Hashtag

In August of 2007 internet aficionado Chris Messina proposed the early adopters of Twitter group tweets with the pound (#) symbol to tag posts. The idea did not fall on deaf ears. A writer named [...]


Why You Should Be Making Interactive Videos

Video is great. We can all agree on that right? Content feeds are alive with eye-catching motion, enticing readers to pause and take a moment. The medium is exploding right now because it works. [...]


How LinkedIn Has Grown Its Social Kingdom

Have you logged into LinkedIn lately? The social platform is now more than just where you go to update your digital resume when you finally receive that promotion. The place is buzzing. It’s the [...]


Has Spell Check Ruined Us?

Some of us spend all day, everyday, typing away at a keyboard. Whether writing out a report or responding to an important client, we rely on spell check to guide us. The red squiggly little line [...]


The New Nano-Influencer

You’ve heard of influencers, right? People whose job it is to, well—be influential. They’re on every social network and device spruiking festivals and luxury brands to their huge list of [...]


Speak Up! The Future Of Voice

Bold claims exist around voice. According to the news, it’s set to replace the keyboard. Apple’s mobile assistant Siri is already a go-to for busy people out-and-about, but voice in the [...]


Snapchat’s Spectacles Are A Sign Of The Times

Remember Google Glass? In 2012, the search-engine’s dabble into wearable technology made people reason with the possibility of an anime-like future. Their smart glasses with a camera built into [...]


What’s The Perfect Video Length?

Human beings are fickle. The internet and its infinite distractions have made us all realise our focus isn’t lazor-like. According to research, only about 20% of people read online articles [...]


The Rise Of The Live Stream

It seems as if every brand is wading into the live stream this year. Amazon recently launched a 24 hour home-shopping channel with affable hosts discussing deals, holiday gifts and the latest [...]


Should You Design Mobile-First?

You may have heard the term ‘mobile-first’ thrown around while discussing either websites or online applications. These two words refer to a strategy one can take when building anything which can [...]


Where Is Twitter Heading?

Twitter is a brilliant example of the power of the internet. The social network was founded on the premise of brevity and was popularised by its chic 140 character limit. It launched the hashtag [...]


What We Learned From Myspace

Myspace was once the social networking site. Its meteoric rise into the public spotlight made it the front-runner in the Web 2.0 race, right as the social internet was burgeoning. At its peak in [...]


From Praise To Boycotts: When Is Controversy Okay?

With Australia Day almost upon the nation, strongly-worded articles and think-pieces about the day’s bleak history are being written, read and shared across our wide and hot country. Australia [...]


Give Your Brand a Personality

It is often the case that companies focus their attention on sales and straightforward marketing tactics that they forget to take time to shift this attention towards crafting a solid brand. Just [...]


How To Market Your Business These Holidays

The silly season is upon us. Present shopping and work drinks  is keeping us up late, out and on about, and constantly on the phone. While people are winding down at work, they’re preparing [...]


3 Reasons Why The Listicle Is So Popular

While you may not have heard of the word ‘listicle’, if you have perused any news website on the internet in the last ten years, you have probably come across this style of article. A listicle is [...]


What Happened To Chatbots?

‘Innovative’, ‘revolutionary’, ‘transformative’ – journalists and bloggers rely on these words to label emerging digital technology. They claim new inventions will make our current everyday [...]

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