Google+ Is Shutting Down Its Service

 In Branding and Marketing, Food for Thought, Photography, SEO, Social Media

The search engine behemoth Google is dismantling its long-run social network Google+. The multinational company behind it is citing a data breach as the reason for the cease of service for consumers. Between 2015 and 2018, all of the network’s third-party developers could access up to 500,000 user’s private information unbeknownst to Google.

However, critics claim Plus has been a ‘ghost town’ for years and while the security breach was definitely an unfortunate oversight, there are a host of reasons for its dismissal. Launching in 2011, the project had survived through a lackluster adoption from the mainstream. In Google’s announcement post, the company admitted ninety percent of Google+ user sessions last only five seconds. The ambitious social network was rolled out, added to, redesigned, stripped back, and now it is being put to rest.

Google+’s tumultuous history exists online in articles and think pieces, but what can tprmedia learn from the sunsetting of this quirky social hub?


An actual point of difference is important

Google+’s early campaigners touted its circles as revolutionary. While Facebook has its pokes and Twitter has hashtags, Google pushed for the grouping of its users by interests and hobbies. While this approach was fresh, even Google employees admitted that besides the connectivity, Plus looked eerily like Facebook. The main page was a feed of content, mostly written posts and photos that other users could comment on and share. This wasn’t all Google+ had to offer, but it didn’t reinvent the newsfeed style interface. Whether or not the service was better, why would people abandon Facebook for a social network that looked and acted in such a familiar way?


Forecast the future and adapt

In 2011 desktop applications dominated. Google catered to its loyal desk-bound creatives and tech-elite with a social network which could host their photography and designs in a stunning resolution. The application’s slick photo album design and in-built photo-editing tools made the move to Google+ a simple decision for those who wanted to share their portfolios. The niche communities were enough for a Plus cult to form. However the shift from desktop to mobile usage in recent years made the social network’s resolution difficult to market, since mobile device screens are not the most ideal for immaculate photographs.


Focus on your strengths

Google+ was not an abysmal failure with nothing to show for at the end. The company’s staunch focus on high quality imagery is still in tact. Google launched Google Photos earlier in May, their standalone service for digital photo collection. Originally adored by Plus users, this new foray into Flickr’s territory, uploads your photos from your devices automatically and intelligently organises them into albums. It also has a range of new features, in an attempt to entice those lamenting over the forewarned closure of Google+.

While Google+ didn’t topple Facebook and other social network mainstays, we at tprmedia don’t believe that Google is going to close up shop over this. The billion dollar company is still humble at this time, accepting its unsuccessful attempts at advancing online networks and move onto another goal to exceed at.


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