Why Is Content Now So Disposable?

Remember when posting anything on the internet meant something? The thought, effort and timing was deliberated and fussed over. Edit after edit made, with a looming sense of uncertainty. ‘Will [...]


How To Craft A Stellar Crowdfunding Video

People have great ideas all the time. Turning that idea into a reality takes time, effort and to be honest, good ol’ fashion luck. Kickstarter and other crowdfunding platforms are now here to [...]


Why You Should Be Making Interactive Videos

Video is great. We can all agree on that right? Content feeds are alive with eye-catching motion, enticing readers to pause and take a moment. The medium is exploding right now because it works. [...]


The Rise Of The Live Stream

It seems as if every brand is wading into the live stream this year. Amazon recently launched a 24 hour home-shopping channel with affable hosts discussing deals, holiday gifts and the latest [...]