TPR Marketing Strategy Questionnaire Process
As part of our ongoing series with BSB, here are the steps we take with each client when starting a new campaign. These questions will prompt you to generate key ideas at the start of any campaign. strategy questionnaire
01. Business Information
01.1 How old is the business?
01.2 How old is the website?
01.3 How many employees?
01.04 How many offices? (Where?)
01.05 How many clients?
01.06 How is your team handing your current workload?
01.07 How much extra work can they handle?
02. Goals & Objectives
02.01 What do you want to achieve?
02.02 What is your expectation to achieve results? – 3 months, 6 months, yesterday?
03. Sales
03.01 What are your current sales per month and your current revenue per month?
03.02 What products do you want to push? – Why? E.g. lots of stock, most profitable products, more demand and do you have the resources to cope with these factors?
03.03 What is your sales cycle from new enquiry to closing a sale. What is the average duration?
03.04 What’s your average conversion rate? – From enquiry to close.
03.05 What’s your Average Transaction Value?
03.06 What other income channels do you have?
03.07 Are they working?
04. Product
04.01 What is your product nature? Nature of products must be considered in terms of the total product offering. The term ‘product’ covers goods, services, ideas and information. In reality, most products are combinations of these items. Service-based products tend to be intangible in nature. Above all, products must meet needs and deliver benefits to the user.
04.02 What are your best selling product? – High to low priority, top 5 are ideal.
04.03 Where do you stock your products?
04.04 Do you have a warehouse? How many, where?
04.05 Do you ship your products? – How many? Where?
05. Client
05.01 Who is your customer? The process of creating either a customer profile or customer persona will help clearly define your customers’ needs by understanding their buying patterns, such as what, how and where they buy – and more importantly – their motivations for buying.
05.02 How big is the market for your products and services?
05.03 How does your customer behave? – What is their usual purchase behaviour
06. Market
06.01 How are you finding the market? – Is it slow/steady/growing rapidly – Are there times of year that are seasonally competitive – Do you have any other barriers? E.g. currency, regulations.
06.02 Who are your direct competitors? – How long have they been in the market? What do they offer that you don’t? e.g price, service, quality, specific things? others? Please include links to up to three competitors’ websites.
06.03 What is your competitive advantage? – what makes you different from them, do you have any strategies/plans to counter attack your direct competition?
07. Campaign
07.01 What do you expect from a marketing campaign?
07.02 What would you like to learn from this campaign?
07.03 How important is the reporting and data for you?
07.04 How will you measure the success of the campaign?
I hope this strategy questionnaire assists you in building better campaigns.