How To Market Your Business These Holidays
The silly season is upon us. Present shopping and work drinks is keeping us up late, out and on about, and constantly on the phone. While people are winding down at work, they’re preparing themselves for as much fun as they can fit into their break. This time of year, as many businesses know, is ample opportunity to sell. That end of year bonus or the holiday savings account is enticing enough to have business’ salivating. Retail, hospitality, and tourism are abuzz with marketing and advertising opportunities in an attempt to be the first to weasel your credit card number onto their payment method section of their website.
So how does one capitalise on the spending frenzy that is the holidays? Here are three points to keep in mind while crafting a holiday season marketing campaign.
Plan ahead
If you’re reading this blog post and you have only now realised the holiday period is the perfect chance to market your business, it’s too late. However, this does not mean you can’t start planning next year’s December campaign. Ad space, both digital and physical, becomes highly competitive in the lead up to the year end. So a tight plan based on data will yield the best results. Scour through the previous years’ spreadsheets and reports to see what sold and what did not. It’s never too early to start a plan.
Be the best deal
Everyone loves a bargain when it is right in front of them, and most people relax their purse strings around the holidays. So with these two facts in mind, a deal or discount will have much more of an impact in November and December. During the festive season, email marketing is the prime channel to spread promotions. Also, remember how I mentioned people are on their phones? Potential customers are not at their desks. They are looking at their mobile screens in the food courts of busy malls, in the passenger seat of a car driving to the beach, and awkwardly avoiding conversations with extended family. So suit your messages to email marketing and optimize for mobile because people are on their phone and willing to spend. A great deal might turn a lead into a customer this silly season.
The holidays are for catching up with old friends and family, and with the merriment comes gift giving. The exchange of presents is personal and fulfilling, and a good marketing campaign should try to match this. People are bombarded with ads spruiking deals and incentives so focusing on standing out is critical. Consider the language, imagery, colours and channel in your messages. Appeal to your customer’s goodwill the closer you get to December 25th and your business will garner customers, but also brand loyalty as a result.
If you’d like help planning next year’s holiday campaign, contact tprmedia today. Also, have a wonderful break!